Winter 2024 Taste Test: The Fire Hunter Season 2

Well, well, well, this I did not expect, a sequel to The Fire Hunter exactly one year later. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy the writing of that original season; quite the opposite, actually. I just doubted there’d be enough support to get a continuation going, particularly with only one year in between. While this story would have no doubt been better served with an uninterrupted setting covering at least two cours, there’s hope yet.

The facts:

  • Format: TV
  • Episode count: TBD
  • Studio: Signal MD
  • Source: Novel
  • Genres: Action, drama, fantasy, mystery

I do want to preface this discussion by saying that if you hoped along with me that this sequel improved upon the visual shortcomings of the first series, you’ll be sorely disappointed. We still have the same janky panning manga stills with the addition of odd windows that also looked pulled straight off the page. Call it artistic vision, or whatever else you want, in no way will I be convinced that what we have now is the best option. I’ve seen shows with way less budget (don’t ask me off the top of my head to name any!) do remarkably well without going the route of gimmicky visuals. 

Despite this, the world still fascinates me, as do its people. There’s so much mystery behind these gods, the forest people, and our hunters. How does Touko factor into all of this, particularly with her odd connection to one of the gods? Why did Kanata entrust her with the hunter’s sickle for so long, only to later hand the weapon to Hinako?

Talking about Hinako, the revelation of her transformation last season carries through to the pilot of the second, with her showing off her impressive mobility and strength in front of our main cast. She’s obviously been changed by the doctor, but to what extent? I want to believe her original self, Koushi’s little sister, is still in there somewhere.

But for now, our band goes their separate ways: Touko injured and sent along with an evacuation group despite the others knowing she’d protest; Koushi, Kun, and Kanata to the lightning cannon; and Akira to petition the Lady Goddess. As the narrator tells us, it may be a very long time before they all see one another again, if ever. I hope to be there when it does happen.

Watch on: Crunchyroll

Status: Watching

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