(Review) Arakawa Under the Bridge

When this show first aired, I found both its image and description on the seasonal chart dis-interesting and skipped on watching it.  This was before I was so open to trying at least one episode from most airing anime, so I had no idea what I was missing out on.  It wasn’t until I became more of a fan of SHAFT—thanks to Hidamari Sketch, Bakemonogatari, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru, and Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko—that I discovered that Arakawa was also done by the same production company.  The anime was fairly well received, given its second season and positive feedback from some of my notable forum peers.  So I tried it out, and fell in love after the first episode.  While it adheres to many of SHAFT’s characteristics—head tilts; long, flowing hair; art not afraid to conflict and experiment—it also did a wonderful job of distancing itself from their faults as well.

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Fall 2011 Season Preview

Fall is here!

Well, here I am jumping on the bandwagon and expressing my thoughts on the upcoming fall anime! TV series and movies are organized into three categories: “Scrumdiddlyumptious,” “Taste test,” and “Garbage chute” (a.k.a. will watch, will try, and won’t try).  The basic format will consist of title, video link, a quoted synopsis, and my thoughts on what little I know about a particular show.

Excepting the prequels and sequels, everything else is new to me since I’m not a big manga reader.  If you feel that a show on my “Garbage chute” list deserves a try, do let me know why 🙂
(Films not yet considered)

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