Fall 2011 Season Wrap (complete with balloons and fireworks!)

Since I originally planned on having this out earlier, I thought I’d have a separate, very short post wishing everyone a Happy New Year.  Buuuuuut, thanks to my recent infatuation with Korean dramas, finishing up the fall anime became less of a priority.  Although it took a bit longer than anticipated, here are my quick final impressions of the fall season.  Happy 2012, everyone!


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Initial Thoughts: Chihayafuru, Tamayura, Horizon, Kimi to Boku., Ben-to

We’ve got a mixed bag here, with a few jumping wholeheartedly into my watch list, and the other two standing back with dumb expressions on their faces.  For the sake of trimming down my number of shows for this season, as well as preserving what little dignity I have left for quality, I may very likely drop the one about which I’m currently hesitating.  I’ve still got three more shows (Last Exile: Ginyoku no Fam, UN-GO, and Guilty Crown) to try out before my fall initial impressions can be finished!

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